International Awards and Recognition


Our Mission

We're helping you to achieve your goals.

Empowering the Indonesian workforce to continue thriving in their work-life quality through a human and technological approach so that they can live their best lives.

Our Impact

We #EmpowerPeople to keep thriving & performing beyond

13,000 Workforce

Improving their emotional and social intelligence

98 Organizations Across the Industry

are in the process of increasing the quality of work-life

590 Hours

of program implementation towards sustainable workforce improvement

Our Expert

Our experts will always accompany your mission in improving sustainable workforce

Tita Ardiati

Co-Founder & CEO Mindtera, Career & Life Coach, Certified Wellness Coach.

Handi Kurniawan

Group Head of Leadership & Academies Learning Jardine Matheson' Ltd.

Indradi Soemardjan

GRI Certified Sustainability Professional, Senior Sustainability Consultant.

Devy Chan

Trading & Investing Specialist, Finance & Life Coach.

Aninda Praptiningtyas

HR Enablement Manager at Schlumberger.

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We help organizations solve their most pressing problems. Please use the following options to contact us, so we can better understand your organization's needs and how we can help.

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We help organizations solve their most pressing problems. Please use the following options to contact us, so we can better understand your organization's needs and how we can help.

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We help organizations solve their most pressing problems. Please use the following options to contact us, so we can better understand your organization's needs and how we can help.

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